Getting where you want to go

Brandon Wolff
2 min readOct 10, 2020

There’s something so encouraging, yet scary about beginnings.

They can turn into beautiful destinations with great rewards, but they could also become a really tough path that we learn from (perhaps beauty in a different way).

This is my first post on Medium. I’m not quite sure what I’m going to make of it yet, but like most things, the only way to get to a new destination is to take a step towards it.

Taking the first step will be the hardest part when you want to go somewhere new. It will be a very anxious and uncomfortable step. You may not be able to see what’s in front of you, there may be fog in the way, and you may even see storms coming urging you to turn back. Don’t get too startled about not knowing what’s ahead or how you will deal with it, if you want to get to the destination focus on taking the first step. It doesn’t have to be a large step, just something that makes it decisive where you’re going and helps you embrace the path you will take. Taking the first step is the key to getting anywhere you want to go. Small steps will lead you to great distances. This post is a part of the journey to my destination. This is one of my first steps. I hope you take yours too.



Brandon Wolff

Graphic designer interested in exploring unique ideas and perspectives.